Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wu Wei at Serendipity

Wu Wei with Don Pecos, Lucy and TT Ali.

One of the cornerstones of the philosophy at Serendipity is Wu Wei, a Taoist principle of "doing without doing". It is a natural order with the aim of producing a state of equilibrium that results in a 'soft and invisible power'.

My relationship with my horses is a good example. Often, I go out to the paddocks or in the indoor arena and just sit there, among the horses. I ask nothing, I just sit with them and 'be'. The most astonishing things happen during these exercises of doing nothing. The personalities of the horses develop in front of my eyes. They approach me one at a time, in the order of dominance. Don Pecos will often put his entire back end in my face and stand there. Kitten usually comes up behind me, places her front legs at my back and wraps her lovely head and neck around me. Ace grooms me with a head and neck massage. Major usually tries to grab my sweatshirt/scarf/jeans and drag me around, cave man style.

What does this mean? Who knows. I like to think it is because Don Pecos knows I'm happiest when I'm driving him, so he assumes this position. Of course it could mean simply that his rear end is in my face! Kitten protects me. Ace pleases me. Major plays with me. I try to clear my mind and let the first thing that pops into it while the horses are interacting with me be the definition.

Why do this? Simple. It is a form of meditation. It brings me closer to the horses, gives me an alternate form of communication with them. They seem to appreciate it, too. It is a form of therapy for me, also. Whenever I'm feeling really low, I Wu Wei with the horses, and the answers they give me, without giving them to me, illustrate the 'soft and invisible power'. Once I was sitting, staring off in the distance searching for answers and Don Pecos positioned himself to block my far off view. He looked back at me and I realized the answers I was searching for were not in the distance, but right in front of me. Another time, it was a broken heart. Kitten wrapped herself around me and 'held' me until the tears ceased. Economic hardship- Ace lowered his head so his eyes were level with mine and looked straight into my soul, "I will carry you," his message seemed to be and carry me he has.

Horses are vehicles. They can transport us above ourselves to greater understanding, both physically, emotionally and spiritually. Wu Wei, doing without doing-try it sometime. Just go out with your horses and Be. That is my accidental sagacity wish for you today.

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