Wednesday, October 14, 2009

If I had a million dollars

I'd buy a bunch of carriages at Martin's Auction this weekend. My friends Todd Frey and Mike Rider are going, lucky sods. But thankfully Harold Ault is not. You have enough carriages, Harold- and I will remind you of that again on Friday, when I'm on the carriage barn roof fixing it in the rain.

But still it is fun to talk about which ones we'd buy because we are not Todd Frey. Here is what I would buy, based just on the photos: one of the Breaks, the Spider [despite the condition of that top], one of the Kuhnles, and the yellow road cart next to the gigs. "But Michelle! What about the gigs?" I hear you exclaim. I have a gig, I'm not greedy. I do like the look of the first, dark Stanhope in the snow for those who want my opinion. I considered the T Cart, but Harold has one that is prettier and I don't want it if it isn't as pretty as Harold's.

Sleighs, sleighs, sleighs, I just can't get excited about sleighs. Harold's fault again, my first sleigh ride was in a Panel Boot Victoria sleigh put to Don Pecos and Ace, and I can't think anything could top that, so I am done with sleighs, unless I someday move to Wisconsin where I understand they plan to use them this weekend.

Road coaches and park drags- must be a man thing. I like them, but prefer a Break, don't need a coach, I'll leave it to the guys.

Go to: and tell me which ones you'd buy, if you had a million dollars.

Kind Regards,
Michelle Blackler
Serendipity is an Accidental Sagacity Corporation company.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, the barn owner went to the Denver auction last month to unload an Anderson VaV and pick up a couple of horses.

    Of course, while he was there he also purchased another carriage. I can't tell you what kind, and I don't have a photo of it yet.

    However, the funny part came when my boss Ro asked me to guess how many carriages the owner had in total. This included the Vis-a-Vis we use in the business. My guess was around 35-

    The correct answer is 47.

    So, obviously the owner is in need of a 12 step program.

    Let me know if you are aware of any, because, seriously, he has a problem.
