Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Olympian Examples of Grace

Watching the women's figure skating last night, I was inspired to write this blog. It is about competing. I often tell my 12 year old equestrian clients with ill fitting skin, that grace is not only about how you move, but why. When they lament, "That GIRL who is so pretty and skinny is gonna beat me; she always does!" I ask them if their heart is in it. Watching the girls last night, I thought that no one could beat the Japanese or Korean girls [I am not even going to attempt to get their names right, and you will see why in a bit]. They were the embodiment of the art of movement: lithe, winsome, powerful, charismatic, technically perfect.

Then Joannie Rochette of Canada stepped on the ice. This extraordinary young woman who lost her mother on Sunday to a heart attack in one of the most monumental events of her life skated last night with her entire being. She won that competition, despite placing third behind the more willowy, prettier, more technically correct girls above.

I don't follow figure skating, I don't know the names of the other competitors, but I will never forget Joannie Rochette. A shining example to us all that sometimes third place is the true winner. Joannie Rochette is going to inspire more little girls the way we can be proud of- without multi-gazillion dollar sponsorships, but with the grace in her heart.

Kind Regards,
Michelle Blackler
Serendipity is an Accidental Sagacity Corporation company.

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