Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Keeping Up With Jim

My neighbor, Jim, told me he had planted lettuce, carrots, onions, radishes, and potatoes last weekend. I wanted to put out some mesclun, but was too busy with horse fair preparations. I have one of those Keeping Up With the Joneses Competitions with Jim. I have a jardin potager, Jim has two acres. I give him Asian eggplants the size of a large thumb from my garden, he gives me 3 pounders from his. I shovel my drive, Jim has a snow blower. I mow my lawn, Jim mows everyone else's lawn. I go and drink in the bars after the BRR ride [23 mile bike ride in Iowa in February]. Jim rides it. Did I mention Jim is an octogenarian? I suspect he is 132 years old.

We had a terrible hail storm last night. My truck is dimpled. I have a garage, but the horse trailer full of horse fair preparations is in front of it, so the truck got hit. Jim has a two car garage and I doubt that his always perfectly detailed truck has any hail damage. Jim was asking about the horse trailer, worried that I might be moving. I suppose I am the only neighbor who even attempts to top Jim and if I left, he wouldn't have any one to play with.

I'm glad to be worthy of the challenge of Jim. And I don't mind at all that he always bests me. In fact, I'm proud of us both.

Kind Regards,
Michelle Blackler
Serendipity is an Accidental Sagacity Corporation company.

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