Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Promoting the Sport of Carriage Driving

When I tell someone I do carriage driving, the first thing that comes to their mind is a white Victoria parked outside a church waiting for the bride and groom. The second thing is an old Vis a vis parked outside the state capital or in Central Park. I've started saying that I do competition carriage driving and that seems to spark their imagination. But it seems that those of us who participate and are passionate about this sport need to get together and develop a marketing strategy to build awareness for carriage driving.

I was discussing this last night with Harold Ault, Theresa Burns and Harley Weyer over dinner and wine. [Always the best way to get an idea blooming!] It was a fascinating conversation, not simply because of the quality of the company, but also because of the diversity of driving experience around the table. Harold, of course is the carriage collector and has been parked out in front of the church and the capital on many occasions, in the typical person's knowledge of carriage driving. Theresa has been involved in carriage driving pleasure shows and combined driving events and has considerable experience driving multiples. Harley came to horses after a lifetime of wanting them and now has a team of draft horses that he uses to farm his land. [Which is probably about the coolest thing. Ever.]

We agreed that educating the public about the history, and the subsequent evolution of the sport was the key to bringing more people to it. Did we solve the problem of how to do it? Well, we have a start and that is the New Moon Carriage Classic to be held in Perry, IA on September 18 &19, 2010. Because the city of Perry has been so enthusiastic about hosting the show, we must take this opportunity to draw in the crowds and wow them. As organizers of a carriage driving event, there are so many details to attend to, that often the promotion to a wider audience is an after thought. Not in this case. We are dedicated to a bigger picture while putting on the finest show possible for exhibitors, for spectators, for Perry.

If you have special skills or talents that might help us achieve this end, please let us know. Come be a part of carriage driving history that is thriving today and striving for tomorrow.

Kind Regards,
Michelle Blackler
Serendipity is an Accidental Sagacity Corporation company.

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