Monday, August 16, 2010

Whipping the Horse Into Shape

Don Pecos, I am happy to report, is only leaping out of his skin when I touch his sides with the whip about 15% of the time now. Usually this only occurs at the start of our sessions. I can get him to lengthen his stride and guide him almost exclusively with the whip after the initial freak out in each gait. Because it feels different when I touch his sides at the walk, jog and trot. Apparently.

To regular readers and those who know and love Don Pecos it will come as no surprise that he is a conspiracy theorist. "Human! Alert! That bridge in the middle of the grassy park has no reason at all to be there! It is a trap! Abort! I will run for our lives 90 degrees in the other direction!" Don Pecos doesn't have a problem with bridges that go over water. "What clever humans they are. I don't like to get my feet wet, so they build a bridge. Sweet of them, really."

"Human! Alert! There is a nefarious pile of ground poles at letter C that wasn't there yesterday! It's an Ambush! Activate Hyperspace!" When I assure him it is only pile of ground poles, he eyes it, still suspicious, and after a great deal of snorting, walks off remotely resembling quietly. But every time we pass "C", he picks his feet up very high, just in case the bandits hiding in the pile of ground poles shoot laser beams that can cut off his legs.

Thus, I amused myself trying to stay in the gig today with Don Pecos's 0-40mph shape shifting avoidance tactics. Oh, how I love that little lunatic, but it really helps that he is outstandingly beautiful, athletic and sweet.

I hope you had time to enjoy this gorgeous late summer day, too.

Kind Regards,
Michelle Blackler
Serendipity is an Accidental Sagacity Corporation company.

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