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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Speaking in Hooves

Theresa Burns came yesterday to help me hitch the pair and add an extra dimension of wonderfulness to my day. We were talking about how to decode Ace's displeasure with the pair business. She said it would be so much easier if he would just point to what was upsetting him. As I was harnessing him, he had one back foot way out behind him. I noted this to Theresa, as asked her if he thought the breeching might be too tight. So we loosened it.

Theresa brought us a Berry bit to try and we asked him to choose which bridle he wanted. He chose the pair bridle with the Berry bit. I felt we were making headway. Yeah, I said that. While we were hooking the horses, Theresa climbed on the box seat to drive the first stage [I'm full of them this morning] so I could watch to see if Ace had settled with the loosened breeching and Berry bit.

As she took up the reins, Ace bit me. Little monster. So much for speaking in hooves, talk to the teeth. After that, did he settle? Nope. Is the price of domestication too high to include pair driving? We'll see about that.

I hope this beautiful weather is keeping you outside as much as it is for me. Sorry about the randomness of the blogs, but I do have good material coming up. Another weekend of lessons at Laurie Renda's, new New Moon developments, and show season just around the corner should provide good, albeit short blog fodder.

Kind Regards,
Michelle Blackler
Serendipity is an Accidental Sagacity Corporation company.

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