Missy and I in the drive at Laurie Renda's fabulous property.
Nothing is higher on my list than working with people and their driving horses, eating great food and meeting new whips. So, all my dreams came true this weekend at Laurie Renda's beautiful farm. I started working with Laurie and her horse Missy last fall. Laurie offered to organize a Serendipity Carriage Driving Clinic for fellow whips in the area, but it wasn't going to happen until May 22-24 and she was chomping on the bit. So, I told her I'd come out early. I remembered that Maggi Tyler, an internet friend lived nearby and sent her an email inviting her to join us so we could meet in person.
I expected a great weekend, but I had no idea I was going to spend it in a five star house, eating five star food as well. Laurie was an interior designer and furniture store owner in a former incantation and her house is probably about the most perfect house I've ever been in. She has such style and ability to layer all aspects of that style together for a result that would be the envy of HGTV or Better Homes and Gardens. Laurie is also a foodie to rival me. It was heaven.
The Saturday weather was perfect, albeit a little breezy, but it blew in the freshness of Maggi Tyler's friendship and camaraderie. [Maggi has the most extraordinary Gypsy Cobbs that are just plain: WOW. Check them out: www.harkawaygypsies.com] I knew I'd like Maggi from emailing her, but at first sight, I loved her. She is bubbling over with good humor that is completely contagious.
Maggi audited Laurie and Missy's lessons of ground work and driving. Laurie has been diligently working on cadence and correctness of Missy's stride all winter. I could see the benefit of that work, although I noticed Missy has that Freisian tendency to work off her front end instead of from behind. Although she was tracking correctly, she was a little long in front and short behind. I worked with Laurie to get Missy up under herself, raise through her topline and finish on the bit. Maggi and I cheered. Laurie beamed. Missy decided she really was beautiful.
After a break for iced tea on the five star deck overlooking the all weather grass arena, effervescent conversation, we went back to work and hitched Missy. Laurie was a little nervous: is was windy, Missy had only been hooked 6 times. I was not: Missy was sensible from a long winter's groundwork, Laurie showed considerable ability. It went superbly. We worked to clean up Missy's bending with Laurie's bending. So many whips think you turn to the right by pulling back on the right rein, but they don't consider using their own body to participate in the turn. It is the difference between adequate and excellent.
Laurie is a quick study and soon she and Missy were cutting quite a dash. Maggi and I cheered. Again. Laurie beamed. Again. Missy started really fitting in her skin. The birth of a phaeton horse, aaahhhhhh.
Maggi left chomping on her own bit to go home and drive her horse with what she had learned from Laurie and Missy. She plans on joining us for the formal clinic on the 22nd of May. Laurie, Missy and I continued to build consistency on Sunday and finished with a written training curriculum for the next few weeks. We went turnout shopping in Laurie's closet and discovered she already had six or more blue ribbon outfits hanging there. Then Laurie fed me. Again.
I left with an intoxicating feeling that this was the first of many great weekends, working with gals who want to be partners with their driving horses, not passengers. Gals who are supportive of their fellow whips, not suspicious. I'm still getting goose bumps thinking about it.
If you are interested in joining us on the 22-24 of May, let me know. I will also be doing a clinic this month in Buffalo, Minnesota, which I intend to lace with the spirit of this one.
Thanks again to Laurie and Maggi for an unforgettable weekend.
Kind Regards,
Michelle Blackler
Serendipity is an Accidental Sagacity Corporation company.
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