When I got home from spending the weekend in Des Moines for the Iowa Horse Fair, I found my flower beds awash with tulips. What a welcome home. I am gazing at a vase of them on the sideboard; I can't help but feel happy.
Happiness is also driving a pair of beloved horses on a gorgeous spring day with a wonderful new friend. That was yesterday with Don Pecos, Ace and Theresa Burns. The boys were still a little too forward at the trot, but they came down and gave me a stupendous walk. Theresa and I were delighted with them. So delighted, we spent the better part of an hour just walking around the outdoor arena enjoying the pair, the weather and the company.
We also had a good chin wag about the horse fair. Everything went well: the booth looked lovely, Don Pecos and Bob were movie stars and the Body Awareness Demonstrations were well received. I got to reunite with a friend and former Jennifer Steensen Field of Dreams volunteer which was a treat. The Serendipity family was out in force, we saw old friends and made some new ones. A big thank you to everyone who helped out, I couldn't have done it [or anything for that matter] without you.
Today is another sublime day. I hope you get out to enjoy the tulips.
Kind Regards,
Michelle Blackler
Serendipity is an Accidental Sagacity Corporation company.
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