Julie Dickie of The Morgan Horse magazine asked me to submit a short essay to support the breed magazine's new by line: The Horse That Chooses You. This is the submission that will appear in the October issue. Thanks to Jackie and the staff at The Morgan Horse and the American Morgan Horse Association.
The Major General [Black River Major x Whitmorr Topaz] Black Morgan stallion and his human, Michelle Blackler
The first time I saw The Major General, he stuck his neck [which at times seems to be retractable] out of his stall and stopped me in my tracks. He looked at me with a deeply penetrating sentience that said, “You are mine.” From that moment, I have belonged to him. Major is one part Medici, one part Mick Jagger, one part Charlie Chaplin, one part Edward Cullen. His beauty is defined by his sense of humor, his dorkiness, his athletic prowess, his creativity. Defying gravity with his frolicking or expressing his perfectly timed comic genius, I often believe my only purpose in life is to witness his virtuosity. To watch him play games [complete with structure and rules] with his first born foal or stand sentinel over his goats is like living alongside a legend. Thank you for choosing me, Major. You have made my life much less ordinary.

Michelle Blackler driving The Major General at the Harvest Moon Carriage Classic, Living History Farms, Urbandale, IA.
Kind Regards,
Michelle Blackler
Serendipity is an Accidental Sagacity Corporation Company
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