The horses were in their stalls munching on their afternoon hay snack. All content, except Kitten, who kept nickering at me. She has the most alluring nicker: deep, sweet. I checked that I had actually given her hay and not missed her inadvertently. More nickering. I told her it wasn't time for grain. More nickering. I checked her water. More nickering.
I stood outside her stall with my hands on my hips, "What?" She gave me those come here eyes and I dutifully scratched her neck. Kitten is a scratching fanatic and always obliges in return. Yesterday, she wrapped her neck around my shoulder and held the back of my head with hers. I put my arms around her and we stood in the embrace for a sublime time.

No amount of hardship or pain can withstand the super power of a Kitten hug; she puts her entire existence into fighting the evil of stress, grief and despair with them. When confronted with events or circumstances beyond control, the best defense is an expression of love. I don't understand her all the time, but Kitten is my Hero.
Wishing you a happy new year,
Michelle Blackler
Serendipity is an Accidental Sagacity Corporation company.
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