Don Pecos was first up and after some super boring walk exercises, we took up a trot. The first corner wheeeee as the vehicle fishtailed several times, but I managed to maintain composure so Pecos didn't sprint us into the next county. It was necessary to slow down, way down to avoid the fishtailing, although, Pecos didn't seem to notice this was happening behind him. I was expecting a bit of skidding, the gig does it all the time on really fast corners [think chariot racing], but with the four wheels, it was like driving the truck on an icy gravel road. Yee Haw!
I'm really enjoying the marathon vehicle, despite its incredibly rough ride. It is such rough and tumble fun, I don't mind. Ace, however, has serious reservations about what is going on behind him. He has yet to quiet down and get to work while hitched to it. He does enjoy our romps through the hayfield, a welcome change of pace from circles.

But, all that is finished for a while as Mama Nature dumped 15 inches of snow on us and is currently whipping it into four foot drifts in my driveway, let alone what is happening at the stable on the prairie. Hopefully the wind will blow most of it on to Missouri. The weatherpeeps are now saying round three of this storm will be dangerous wind chills. Hurray. Saturday will be a balmy 28 degrees, so we'll see if we can dig our way out of the barn with the marathon vehicle.
Even Lucy doesn't want to go outside. You know it is miserable when they close the malls. So, time to fire up the oven and bake Christmas cookies. Stay warm and cozy!
Kind Regards,
Michelle Blackler
Serendipity is an Accidental Sagacity Corporation company.
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